
bucky run CLI.

Module Contents#


model(ctx: typer.Context, days: int = typer.Option(30, '-d', help='Number of days to project forward'), seed: int = typer.Option(42, '-s', help='Global PRNG seed'), n_mc: int = typer.Option(100, '-n', help='Number of Monte Carlo iterations'), run_id: str = typer.Option(generate_runid(), '--runid', help='UUID name of current run'), start_date: str = typer.Option(None, '--start-date', help='Start date for the simulation. (YYYY-MM-DD)'))

bucky run model, run the model itself, dumping raw monte carlo output to raw_output_dir.

postprocess(ctx: typer.Context, run_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, help='Raw output directory for the run being postprocessed'), n_cpu: Optional[int] = typer.Option(4, '-c', help='Number of cpus used to calculate quantiles'), n_gpu: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '-g', help='Number of gpus used to calculate quantiles'))

bucky run postprocess, aggregate outputs from raw_output_dir to make quantile outputs in output_dir.

run_no_subcmd(ctx: typer.Context, days: int = typer.Option(30, '-d', help='Number of days to project forward'), seed: int = typer.Option(42, '-s', help='Global PRNG seed'), n_mc: int = typer.Option(100, '-n', help='Number of Monte Carlo iterations'), run_id: str = typer.Option(generate_runid(), '--runid', help='UUID name of current run'), start_date: str = typer.Option(None, '--start-date', help='Start date for the simulation. (YYYY-MM-DD)'))

bucky run, run the default steps for a full model run (run model -> calculate quantiles -> make plots).



bucky.cli.run.model(ctx: typer.Context, days: int = typer.Option(30, '-d', help='Number of days to project forward'), seed: int = typer.Option(42, '-s', help='Global PRNG seed'), n_mc: int = typer.Option(100, '-n', help='Number of Monte Carlo iterations'), run_id: str = typer.Option(generate_runid(), '--runid', help='UUID name of current run'), start_date: str = typer.Option(None, '--start-date', help='Start date for the simulation. (YYYY-MM-DD)'))[source]#

bucky run model, run the model itself, dumping raw monte carlo output to raw_output_dir.

bucky.cli.run.postprocess(ctx: typer.Context, run_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, help='Raw output directory for the run being postprocessed'), n_cpu: Optional[int] = typer.Option(4, '-c', help='Number of cpus used to calculate quantiles'), n_gpu: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '-g', help='Number of gpus used to calculate quantiles'))[source]#

bucky run postprocess, aggregate outputs from raw_output_dir to make quantile outputs in output_dir.

bucky.cli.run.run_no_subcmd(ctx: typer.Context, days: int = typer.Option(30, '-d', help='Number of days to project forward'), seed: int = typer.Option(42, '-s', help='Global PRNG seed'), n_mc: int = typer.Option(100, '-n', help='Number of Monte Carlo iterations'), run_id: str = typer.Option(generate_runid(), '--runid', help='UUID name of current run'), start_date: str = typer.Option(None, '--start-date', help='Start date for the simulation. (YYYY-MM-DD)'))[source]#

bucky run, run the default steps for a full model run (run model -> calculate quantiles -> make plots).